Bringing The Wolves Back


Wolf Lore

Bringing The Wolves Back

The Impact on the Ecosystem


They Are Back!

Bringing wolves back to places where they had been killed has accomplished only good things. In 1995, 41 wolves were released back into Yellowstone after being extinct for six decades. Many thought that the return of the wolves would lead to human deaths but there has not been one single attack on people after the reintroduction of the wolves. Nowadays the wolves have come to an astounding number of 108 forming 11 packs. Every year the park rangers put collars on a small population of wolves so the rangers can track their location. Wolves bring many visitors to Yellowstone National Park each year. 

How They Returned

Wolves were reintroduced using a method that is kind of like putting fish in a pond. They were put in the Yellowstone ecosystem for a little while in an enclosed pen and then they were released into the park. The wolves adapted quickly to Yellowstone, and with plenty of prey, they were able to repopulate quickly. 

Hoffman, Austin, and Annie White. "History of Wild Wolves." Misson: Wolf, 2015, Accessed 3 Feb. 2020.